

 Dear Friend,

Here is the explanation of what the Lord showed me way back in 2010 as I was driving along North Avenue in the heart of Baltimore. I saw a huge empty brick building which had been used by the Board of Education years before but was now empty and slowly falling into disrepair. As I saw it the Lord made me think of the small mall they had in New Haven Connecticut when I was growing up. They had taken a larger building and created spaces for stores along the four walls while leaving an open space in the center. In an instant the Lord showed me how to create a true Kingdom Community Center by repurposing the large empty building. I held the idea in my heart just waiting until I ran into the one who could accomplish it because, quite frankly I didn’t feel I was that guy - I would not even know where to begin! Then, as I began to get more and more connected with my friends in the Refugee Camp in Malawi, I began to see that it might be able to be done there as well as in the inner city. Some more time passed and when my Father went to be with the Lord I felt it would be an awesome thing to create a Social Advocacy Non-Profit 501(c)3 with some of the small inheritance he left me. Apparently, the Lord liked that idea and it was approved a little over a year ago. Thanks again for helping me with the website! Ede

LifeLight Kingdom Community Center Plan

As long as we simply continue on as we always have, minding our own business, the world will never change and people will still continue to experience injustice and oppression. Sure, we will eventually go to heaven someday in the by-and-by, but does that really fulfill the promise that God placed within us or His plan for us or His kingdom? God never intended for us to simply survive, one day miraculously actually making it to heaven. The kingdom is not a destination… It is a It is a condition of the heart that produces a remarkable way of living life by truly entering in to His promise of life and life more abundant today. 

The most effective way we can do this is by recognizing that each and every person has gifts and talents as well as experience which can contribute towards the development of healthier and more fulfilling lifestyles. One way to tap into the potential that lies within each person in a way that benefits all of the people within a community is by creating a Kingdom Community Center. Having a facility specifically designed to allow each person within the community to contribute towards the betterment of the community is the best way to encourage people to respect and honor each other. LifeLight Kingdom Community Centers would also serve as a type of school, teaching people to shift from living performance-based lives to a way of enhanced living based on kingdom principles.

The people who will volunteer to serve as the overseers of the Kingdom Community Center will need to be people with great faith who understand the power of the tongue and the power of blessing others, as well as the power of prayer to pull heaven down in order that others might experience the love that Father God has for them while in the land of the living. They will need to understand the record of God‘s nature: He is a good Father, one who wants to lavish His love upon His children regardless of whether they know Him already or have not yet encountered Him. They should truly understand that it is the “goodness of God that leads a heart to repentance”, whereby one turns from the direction in which they were headed and learns to renew their mind so that they can be transformed into who it is God really made them to be. They need to be people who want to introduce others to the depth of Love that Father God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit have for each and every person. The facilitators at the LifeLight Kingdom Community Center will need to understand that it is not about trying to scare people into turning to Jesus, but instead it’s about us introducing people to how much Father God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit love them. By ourselves, we can do nothing is only as the Holy Spirit draws people that they are able to receive Jesus. Our job is to simply lead them into a powerful encounter with the Holy Spirit so that He May have His way with them. 

The LifeLight Kingdom Community Center is to be run on Kingdom principles rather than through religion. Religion always has its own agenda to force people to perform in certain ways whereas God has a Plan and His Plan is to love His children so well that they understand the depth of His love for them as He specifically demonstrated it through the gift of His Son, Jesus Christ of Nazareth. It is only by receiving the Gift of Jesus that the door is opened for people to have their very own unique relationship with Father God. The operation of the LifeLight Kingdom Community Center is built upon relationship through love and those who serve there need to be willing to honor others above themselves so that others actually experience the love that God has for them through us as the Body of Christ. Religion has hijacked God‘s Plan for far too long by trying to twist the meaning of the “fear of the Lord” and scare people into becoming Christians while God wants people to understand His love for them in such a way that they have a reverence for Him and don’t want to do anything to disappoint Him. God wants those who believe in Jesus and His Kingdom to partner with Him so that the Kingdom of God can expand all throughout the earth. Love never fails. 

The Kingdom Community Center will be a gathering place were members of the kingdom of God can work together to develop lives that truly reflect the truth that Jesus came to give us life and life more abundant. Godly relationships based on honor and respect will naturally occur here as people help one another by sharing their time with each other and pouring into each other’s lives as they share their wisdom and experiences with each other. People who feel drawn to help little children develop into highly effective members of society will be able to share some of the lessons they learned throughout the course of their lives with those children while people who might have no grandparents can spend time with older people and glean from their wisdom while keeping them company. Other people might feel led to share some of the wonderful ideas that the Lord has graced them with by leading a Bible study or a small group discussion or mentoring someone and yet others may simply want to quietly study in the library section in order to complete their homework or to give their time to help students with their homework and studies. All in all, the LifeLight Kingdom Community Center is designed to be a gathering place where people of all ages are respected and honored and the Lord is lifted high through worship in Spirit and in Truth and the scripture which urges us to “do all things as unto the Lord” is lived out. The component areas of the LifeLight Kingdom Community Center are: a Child Care Center, a Clinic to address minor issues, an Adult Care Center and gathering place, An Afterschool Tutoring and Reading Library with Bible Study areas, An Afterschool Vocational Training and Mentoring Center, an Afterschool Big Sister/Big Brother Companion Center, a Nutritional Training and Agriculture Center, and a Worship Center. 

Children’s Day Care Center

The people who volunteer within the Children’s Day Care Center should understand the importance of God’s promise that “love never fails.” They should know that when the Bible says that “the Lord chastises those whom He loves,” the key is love. In other words, correction needs to be offered with a loving heart rather than given as a punishment in the heat of anger. The Bible tells us to “suffer not the little children.” We are to enjoy and embrace and celebrate the little ones that God blesses us with the opportunity of facilitating their spiritual growth. We are to build them up in the Lord and to encourage them and to train them up knowing His word because when we raise our children in accordance with God‘s word, they will not depart from it when they are older. It’s vital that the people who are volunteers in the Children’s Day Care area have a strong love of children. They need to understand that having the heart of a servant is the best way to be a leader in God’s Kingdom. God never gave man dominion over other men. Christ himself is known for being the Servant King and the Bible tells us that the one who wants to be greatest in the Kingdom must be willing to go low and serve as the least, loving others in humility and placing their needs above his own needs - that is how the last become first in His Kingdom. In the Child Care Center people would be trained to raise up a child in the way they should go while also honoring the gifts that are found within each person from the very beginning of their life. 

The Clinic

The clinic would be a place where people who have a strong desire to share their gift of faith in the goodness of God, as well as those who have authentic testimonies of how God has healed them, would be available to pray for others who are in need of physical healing for their bodies. This clinic would also be equipped to administer first aid to people who have minor injuries while at the same time praying for God to accelerate the healing process. The people who volunteer at the clinic would need to understand the power of the tongue as described in the Bible where it tells us that the power of death and life is in the tongue. These people would need to know how to speak blessings over others and be comfortable sharing their faith and testimonies in a way that builds the faith of those needing prayer so that God could show himself strong on their behalf in Jesus name. This clinic would also be a great place where the elders within the local Body of Christ or within the local Kingdom Community would be available in order to lay hands on and pray for the healing of the sick as the Bible instructs us to do. The Bible tells us that healing is the children’s bread which is a direct promise from God, and the Bible also tells us that if we ask Him for bread, He is a good Father and “He won’t give us a stone,” therefore God wants to heal His children. According to Revelation 19:10, what God does for one, He will do for another because “the testimony of Jesus is a prophecy unto the future” and that is that is why it is important to have people who have direct testimonies of God healing them or healings that they have witnessed in order to share with others to inspire Faith as they pray for healing. The Clinic facilitators would be trained in understanding how to receive all types of Words of Knowledge and have the gift of faith to pray commanding prayers for healing. People in the clinic would also be encouraged to develop their faith by trusting in the Lord for healing first. They would be adept at seeking His strategies to help ease others by sharing the peace that passes all understanding with them in their moment of discomfort. 

Afterschool Tutoring and Reading Library

This area would provide a quiet place for people to study and complete their schoolwork. The people who volunteer to work here would need to understand how to help people do their own work, and not simply just do the work for the students but teach them how to solve the problems on their own. Over time a lending library could be created which would encourage people to learn English as a second language. One of the other benefits of this particular area of the LifeLight Kingdom Community Center is that critical thinking skills can be encouraged, teaching the younger generation how to reason their way through making important decisions and learn how to actually think effectively for themselves. They would be taught how to develop an idea and explain it by backing it up verbally in an effective way, sharing the very strategies of heaven. 

The Bible Study area could be located in the ReadingLibrary area as well. This would be a quiet place where people could study their Bibles as well as hold Bible studies and discuss the latest revelations that they have been receiving from the Lord.

Adult Care Center and Gathering Place

This would be a gathering place were older people could come together and spend their time sharing stories of when they were younger and encouraging one another. There also may be some adults who as they age need a little help during the day and this would be a place where that could happen as well, where adults needing help could receive help in a way where they would feel honored and their dignity would be preserved. The simple truth is that we all need help at some point or another and we need to learn how to cultivate the grace with which to receive help as well as the grace with which to help others in a way where their dignity remains intact and they don’t feel belittled or demeaned or embarrassed. This area would also offer a place for younger people who have no grandparents to come in order to interact with the older generation and learn valuable lessons from them. Just because somebody gets older does not mean that they lose their value and within the LifeLight Kingdom Community setting, the wisdom that people gain across the span of their lifetimes is highly valued. Each member of society has something to contribute and LifeLight Kingdom Community Centers are focused on showcasing the value that every one of us has. The Adult Care Center would be a place for people to learn to honor and respect the wisdom that people gain over the course of their lives. 

Vocational Training/Mentoring Center

The Vocational Training Center would really be a mentoring center where the youth could learn valuable skills as well as effective techniques that assist in accomplishing jobs. Some skills and techniques can only be learned over time and the beauty of this training area is that people who have learned and developed these skills over the years can pass along their insight to those just getting started in these vocations. Some examples might be: the proper ratio of small stones to mix into cement in order that the concrete is durable and lasts, or techniques for removing and replacing bicycle tire innertubes, or effective ways to fix the brakes on a car for example. This mentoring center would be a place where people can learn the tricks of the trade so to speak from people who have mastered these trades. This would be a place where people who recently retired could share some of their wealth of experience that they accumulated over the course of their lives. Younger people could learn how much experience and wisdom the older generation carries and this would help to foster a greater sense of respect for elderly citizens.

This Mentoring Center would be a place where adults who feel they have something to contribute to the life of a younger person could volunteer to mentor them. Many children have no adult to give them good advice in their lives, especially Godly advice. The adults who volunteer to mentor youth would need to be consistent and understand how to love someone especially when you disagree with them. They would truly need to understand that there is the power of death and life in the tongue, and because of that would need to be able to effectively interact with the younger generation in a way where they are respectful yet firm when correcting their behaviors and sometimes even thoughts. In reality, mentorship is very similar to discipleship and the goal is to honor others while assisting them in developing the strongest possible relationship with the Lord. Everything mentors say and do should point others to the Lord rather than simply encouraging people to be just like themselves. The Mentoring Center would be a place where people who have gained great experience over the course of their careers would be able to share that information with younger people so that they would have a more effective start in their own careers… The idea of “my ceiling becoming their launching place” would be practiced here. 

Big Sister/Big Brother Companion Center

This would be a place where people could be teamed up with a big brother or a big sister, someone who is slightly older whom they could talk with about important topics. The people serving as big brothers and big sisters would need to have a really strong foundation in the Bible so that they would be teaching Godly principles and would not simply give in and go along with what culture says is okay to do. They would be mature enough to encourage the younger participants to focus on Godly relationships and to wait until they enter the covenant of marriage before being intimate with others. 

The Big Brother/Big Sister Companion Center would also offer organized sports after school. The Big Brother/Big Sister Companion Center would be a place where people would be taught to prefer others before themselves so Kingdom conflict resolution could be encouraged by teaching people to acknowledge the strengths of others so that everybody benefits rather than simply following the world’s way of always competing against one another. The facilitators here would share strategies for how to let the Lord lead you through the difficult patches of growing up… those moments that feel like they are the end of your world yet are really just disguised opportunities to grow by choosing to really invest everything you have in trusting in the Lord. Children would learn how to train their minds to seek Him first and learn what He has to tell them in every situation, rather than trusting in what it appears to look like or what others insist upon telling you. They would learn how to spend time with the Lord in the Spirit to seek out His perspective in challenging times. 

The Worship Area

The Worship Area would focus on the vital aspects of worshipping the Lord in Spirit and in Truth. Worship Leaders would teach people how to really “know and be known” by the Lord as they look upon Him and worship Him in order to encounter His presence directly and learn who it is that He says they are so that they can reflect Him more accurately throughout the world. People would be encouraged to learn how to spend time with the Lord in the Spirit as they come to know Him through praise and worship. 

Nutrition and Agriculture Center

The Agricultural Center would teach people how to nourish the land and sing over it to yield greater crops. This would be an area where people could share effective techniques that they have learned which assist with crop growth as well as fertilization and irrigation principles. 

The Nutrition Center would teach people to understand the value of feeding their bodies in a way that promotes greater health and energy. This would be a great place for people who are interested in learning about nutrition and how our bodies process food to be able to share those nuggets of vital wisdom with others so that the overall health of the Community improves.